
Komchen is pre-Columbian Mayan archaeological site located in the northwestern portion of the Yucatan Peninsula. It is approximately 20 km from the northern peninsular coast and situated close to the site of Dzibilchaltun. Komchen was initially settled during the Mesoamerican Middle Preclassic. Its earliest settlement consisted of a small residential community with perishable structure. The site transitioned into a larger community during the Late Preclassic, reaching its peak in construction between the years 350-150 B.C.E. and employing permanent stone masonry in architectural construction. It appears that the site was entirely abandoned by the end of the Late Preclassic (ca. C.E. 250). Later, however, the site was partially reoccupied by residents of the expanding center of Dzibilchaltun. Research documented nearly 1000 residential structures in an area approximately 2 km in size, including a core of five large platforms, the tallest of which was 8 meters, and a sacbe, one of the earliest identified in the Yucatan.

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